Batman, or Bat-Man, or The Dark Knight, or Not-Rorschach has been around since the tail-end of the Dirty ’30s. By this point, everyone has an opinion on Batman. He’s either your favorite superhero of all time … Read the rest
All Posts by Corey Gavaza
Hey, Look at: Psychonauts
People are strange. And somehow, strange people always end up gravitating towards each other. One day, a bunch of those strange people got together and formed a team called Double Fine. After getting together, they worked for a few … Read the rest
Hey, Look at: Jak II and 3
The Jak and Daxter series is something that I hold very close to my heart. This franchise along with the Kingdom Hearts games kept my PS2 pretty busy while I was a kid. And like Kingdom Hearts, the Jak … Read the rest
Hey, Look at: Peter Jackson’s King Kong
From what I remember, people were somewhat mixed on the Peter Jackson-led reboot of King Kong. Despite the massive critical praise for the film, movie-goers couldn’t agree whether this was great or just another Jackson jerk-off. But in my … Read the rest
Hey, Look at: Super Metroid
So there are these games out there called Metroidvanias. A subgenre that emphasizes exploration staggered by character upgrades or items strewn throughout the world, they’re pretty great games. And with such a wide variety of titles in the genre … Read the rest
Hey, Look at: Steambot Chronicles
There are a few games out there that have been seared into my memory from my younger years reading gaming magazines. Every once in a while, I’ll stumble through a used game store and be taken aback for a second … Read the rest
Hey, Look at: Final Fantasy VI
I’ll be honest, I’ve never gravitated towards 2D RPGs. My introduction to the genre was with newer titles like Final Fantasy X and Dragon Quest VIII. I’ve always thought that these ancient, decrepit games were too simple to be … Read the rest
Hey, Look at: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Zelda is an institution and it’s gone through quite a few changes over the years. In 2002, Nintendo released The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. The game was great. It had loads of personality, an interesting setting, and a … Read the rest
Hey, Look at: Super Paper Mario
The Paper Mario franchise is one that’s almost always been in flux. What started out as a turn-based RPG title gradually evolved into a bad turn-based RPG title. But what brought about this change? A lot of fans think that … Read the rest
Hey, Look at: Metal Gear Solid 3
Everyone loves spy flicks. They’re sleek, they’re sexy, and they’re always much larger than life. Everyone always knows the right thing to say and the right person to punch. Being a spy sounds pretty awesome. But there’s also the unglamorous … Read the rest